Sunday, November 25, 2012

This Week (and a half) in 2nd Grade

Aqua Sand
Aqua sand is a "magical" sand that never gets wet! The sand clumps together when in the water. When it is taken out of the water, it returns to its original form! In science, we made predictions about what would happen to the sand when we placed it in the water. We also recorded our observations during the experiment. We had a great time, and the students had the chance to be introduced to the scientific method.

Show and Share
As part of our classroom management plan, students can earn privileges for good behavior. This student earned a show and share card, so he brought a crocodile skull to show his friends at school!

Another student shows the class her interactive story book and puppy. The puppy is a character in the book and reads along with parts of the story!

We had an awesome time playing games and having treats at a Fall party on Wednesday!

We also had the chance to visit a 5th grade classroom and view the projects they created while studying Native American tribes.

We made these turkeys in writing class. The stories on their bellies are titled 
"How to Help a Turkey Escape Thanksgiving Dinner."

 "We all know contractions!"

We have been reviewing contractions this last week. Songs can really help us remember important concepts, so we have been singing and dancing to our contraction song for a few days now. 

 Students demonstrate how base ten blocks can help us represent numbers. We are also using them to add 2 and 3 digit numbers together. 

Pie Throwing
Our student council raised money for the Wounded Warrior Project by selling tickets for a chance to throw a pie at your teacher!  Here is a clean picture before any pies were thrown.

Here is an after shot!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Week of November 26-30, 2012

This Week's Objectives

Language Arts
Reading: author's purpose, compare and contrast, fluency
Conventions: verbs
Phonics: long /e/ using e, ee, ea, and y
Spelling Words: read, feet, easy, deep, seat, party, wheel, leave, windy, sleep, teeth, team
Writing: compare/ contrast, fantasy, voice, using quotation marks

-rounding to the nearest 10
-adding 2 digit numbers to 100

-seed study

Sunday, November 11, 2012

This Week in 2nd Grade

Silent Reading Time Gets Silly!
 Some students pick silly reading positions, but we don't mind! They enjoying mixing it up a little bit by reading under the table, sharing a chair with a friend, or relaxing with their feet up!

Building Muscles
Gym class this week was a blast. The second graders also worked on jumping and tumbling.

Our spooky story contest winner shares her piece with the class. 
We really enjoy listening to different stories our friends are working on.

3D Patterns

Election Day
We had a ton of fun learning about the voting process. Most students said they felt prepared when casting their votes on election day, but still were a little bit nervous.

Here we all are on election day! 

Veterans Day Program at May Overby

Beautiful Pheasants

Me on the Map
We read Me on the Map this week by Joan Sweeney for social studies. This created great discussion about where we actually stand on the map. What street, city, state, country, continent, planet do we call home?

 Here is a close up of our project we called "My Place in this World"

Week of Nov 12-16, 2012

This Week's Objectives...

Language Arts: 
Unit 2 Review
Reading- reviewing comprehension skills, compare and contrast, cause and effect, facts and details, author's purpose, and summarizing
Conventions- reviewing nouns, proper nouns, singular and plural nouns, plural nouns that change spelling, and possessive nouns
Phonics-  review of r-controlled vowels, contractions, plurals, and words with long /a/ using a, ai, ay
Spelling Words- Review of high frequency words from last unit
said, break, pull, great, laugh, worse, above, there, whole, people, sign, scared, behind, they're, sorry
Writing- comparing and contrasting two characters, correcting run-on sentences, writing fluency

- representing numbers to 200
- identifying patterns in numbers
- representing ones, tens, and hundreds in different ways
- writing numbers to 200
- writing numbers in word form up to 99
*Reminder: Practice math cards that were sent home at conferences!

Social Studies:
-Colonial Times

- living things and what they need
- how plants make food
- how plants make new plants
- studying fruit seeds

Sunday, November 4, 2012

This Week in 2nd Grade

These cute witch feet decorated our hallway for Halloween. 

We wrote fairy tales last week using this bumpy little pumpkin in our stories. This week we wrote a book review using that same book.

We have an awesome literacy night planned for November 20th at the school. We will be going on a treasure hunt throughout the school and learning all sorts great things about reading! Please remember to send your RSVP back to school.
We had a little pirate activity this week to help promote the literacy night.

On October 31st, the 2nd grade teachers arranged to have different math games set up in each classroom. During our math period, students went from room to room completing math objectives using cards and dice.

Week of November 5-9, 2012

*Reminder: Students will be taking part in Kids Voting on November 6th. 
Please review sample ballots with your child. 
They can use the samples to guide them during the vote on Tuesday.

This Week's Objectives...

Language Arts:
Reading- Folk tales, compare and contrast, fluency
      *Story of the Week: One Good Turn Deserves Another
Conventions- possessive nouns
Phonics-  a, ai, ay
Spelling Words-  away, brain, main, paint, play, raise, say, stay, tail, today, tray, wait, behind, they're, sorry (spelling games at Kayla week 11)
Writing- Me on the Map, writing about our school, town, state, country, continent, world

- completing more two-step story problems
- reviewing doubles and doubles + 1
- mixed story problems
- review for Unit 2 test scheduled for Friday
*Reminder: Practice math cards that were sent home at conferences!

Social Studies:
-Our city, our state, our country, our continent, our world

*Reminder:We will be having a Veterans Day Program on Friday November 9th at 8:30. Please pass the word that all veterans are invited to attend.