Saturday, March 23, 2013

This Week in 2nd Grade

This week we have been learning about research skills and how we can organize our notes using graphic organizers. We have been researching whales and sharks on, in books, and in printed articles. By the end of next week, we are hoping to have a five paragraph report! Students are given Mrs. Krause's rubric ahead of time so that they understand what is expected of them.

 Nonfiction Notes Graphic Organizer
The link below will take you to the free nonfiction graphic organizer (2 kinds available). 

 Student are busy doing their research.

Language Arts
We are studying pronouns in language arts. This is the anchor chart displayed in our room. By the end of the week, we had added twice as many pronoun examples.

Boggle has been a pretty popular activity for our fast finishers. Letters are changed up about twice a week. See below for a free printable version of the game.
Click on the link below to get a boggle board for free.
Thank you Mrs. Rojas (Create~Teach~Share Blog)

My favorite saying has been outside our door all year!

Week of March 25-28, 2013

Language Arts
Reading: prefixes, cause and effect, visualizing, dictionary skills
Story of the Week: Carl the Complainer by Michelle Knudsen
Writing: Expository Nonfiction Writing: Research reports on sharks/whales
Conventions: singular and plural pronouns
Phonics: prefixes un-, re-, pre-, and dis-
Spelling Words:
unsafe, preheat, rerun, disappear, unlock, discolor, rewind, 
unpack, unplug, regroup, preschool, disagree

-identify congruent and similar figures
-recognize transformations: slides, flips, and turns
- identify, extend, and create repeating patterns, growing patterns, and motion patterns
We will be taking a test over this week's mini geometry unit on Thursday, March 28th.

-researching sealife

Friday, March 15, 2013

This Week in 2nd Grade

We made sock monkeys in art class this week!

Daily Focus
Every morning we review some of the most important 2nd grade standards. Students keep track of their learning in our Daily Focus log.

Fast Finisher
This month, our fast finishers can use the letters on our boggle board to make words. Words can be built by starting with any letter on the board. However, the next letter must be next to the letter just used. If you have played the board game Boggle, the rules are the same.

NSU Visitor
Another student from NSU visited our class on Wednesday for a read aloud.

Our G.O. books also serve as dividers during spelling tests!

Problem of the Day
Students get independent think time when presented with a problem of the day. Then, they discuss the problem and their answers in a small group. When answers differ, students must either defend their answers or rework the problem together to come up with the correct answer.

Check out our favorite song this week from YouTube!
We have had this song in our heads all week.

Week of March 18-22, 2013

Our Week's Objectives:

Language Arts
Reading: nonfiction, suffixes, fact and opinion, important ideas
Story of the Week: Fire Fighter! by Angela Royston
Conventions: pronouns
Writing: narrative nonfiction, gathering and recording information for research purposes
Phonics Skill: suffixes -ly, -ful, -er, -or, -ish
Spelling Words: 
cheerful, visitor, slowly, weekly, teacher, 
helper, hardly, graceful, yearly, quickly, fighter, sailor

-Subtraction with money
-Math mountain equations with numbers over 100
-Review 2- and 3-digit addition
-Story problems with unknown partners

***Please Note: 
We will be having our Unit 5 Math Test on Thursday, March 21st. 
A practice test will be sent home on Wednesday.

Social Studies
-Map and globe skills
- Rescue workers

Sunday, March 10, 2013

This Week in 2nd Grade

Addition Strategies
We reviewed some of our favorite addition strategies. The three pictures below show three different students as they present their strategies to the class. They make me so proud!

Reading Groups

Gym Class
The 2nd graders enjoyed the chance to do parachute activities in gym class this week! I had to sneak in and take some pictures as this was always my favorite gym activity!

Read Across America/Celebrating Dr. Seuss 
Dr. Seuss celebrated a birthday on March 1st. We celebrated last week by reading some of his books and completing Seusstastic activities!! A big thank you goes out to the PTA and to our food service department for the great gifts this week!

Our class rocks!

Independent Writing 
Students are busy during a few minutes of free writing time.

More independent work

Sunday, March 3, 2013

This Week in 2nd Grade

 Mr. Reum, an education major at NSU, came to visit us for a few days.

In honor of Dr. Seuss Day, we read the Lorax and wrote about ways we would like to help our Earth. We also used Dr. Seuss hats as a way to display some of our math work.

Our math skills are as good as gold! 
Students wrote money story problems on pots of gold and organized them on our rainbow number line.

 We studied number pairs that make 100.

We wrote about our best friends this week too!
Thank you Mrs. Lemons for the template!  

Week of March 4-7, 2013

Language Arts (Review Week)
Reading Comprehension Skills: drawing conclusions, background knowledge, sequencing,

Reading Strategies: multiple meaning words, antonyms, suffixes and prefixes, fact and opinion

Writing: review friendly letters, topic sentences and detail sentences

Conventions: adjectives using senses, adjectives for number, size, shape, comparative and superlative adjectives, adverbs that tell when, where, and how

Phonics: vowel patterns oo, u, ou, ow, oi, oy, syllable patterns, words that end with -le

-discuss the advantages and disadvantages of our subtraction methods
-solve story problems with a preferred method
-making change under $1.00
-subtracting a 2-digit number from any 3-digit number under 200
-estimating to find the difference

Social Studies

- understanding the difference between wants and needs
-understand that people do a variety of jobs to earn money
-interpret bar graphs