Friday, March 15, 2013

This Week in 2nd Grade

We made sock monkeys in art class this week!

Daily Focus
Every morning we review some of the most important 2nd grade standards. Students keep track of their learning in our Daily Focus log.

Fast Finisher
This month, our fast finishers can use the letters on our boggle board to make words. Words can be built by starting with any letter on the board. However, the next letter must be next to the letter just used. If you have played the board game Boggle, the rules are the same.

NSU Visitor
Another student from NSU visited our class on Wednesday for a read aloud.

Our G.O. books also serve as dividers during spelling tests!

Problem of the Day
Students get independent think time when presented with a problem of the day. Then, they discuss the problem and their answers in a small group. When answers differ, students must either defend their answers or rework the problem together to come up with the correct answer.

Check out our favorite song this week from YouTube!
We have had this song in our heads all week.