Sunday, September 30, 2012

This Week in 2nd Grade

Equation Chain
This is the longest equation chain I have ever seen! Each student wrote their own equation equaling 6 to make our chain true. We thought a picture in front of our May Overby Elementary sign would be pretty cool since we couldn't all fit in one long line in our classroom.

 Here are a couple of close-ups of our chain.

Daily 5 update
This is our Daily 5 "Wall", aka our heating and cooling unit. Here we display reminders of rules and strategies  for independent reading and writing. We did begin our "Listen to Reading" portion of the Daily 5 this week. Right now, I will be reading to the students to fulfill this portion. Hopefully we will be adding the option of listening to taped stories on a cd player with multiple headsets. I introduced our novel study, Meet Addy (from the American Girl collection) on Friday. They are VERY interested in her story, which takes place during the Civil War.

Images of the World 
Our assembly last week brought us to China! We were able to view Chinese culture through photography. 

Computer Lab
We are busy at work in the computer lab. We have been using computer time to practice our math skills using the program IXL. I will be sending out a letter later this week on how you can access the program at home for addition practice. As a class, we have answered more that 2,000 math problems!

Sign Language Class
Miss Roggow shared her knowledge of sign language with us last week as well. We have arranged for her to visit us once a month for a 30 minute sign language class. She helped us understand what it might be like to have a hearing impairment and how to go about communicating with someone who does. She also taught us the sign for our names and many animals. Miss Roggow is in our room three times a week to help with guided reading groups and writing workshop. We know her well and appreciate all of her help!

Here students are demonstrating the sign for "happy ape". We also practiced "angry ape," which was a ton of fun too!

How much are we reading at home?
Each day, reading logs (blue sheets in our G.O. books) are sent home. It is recommended that we read at least 15-20 minutes a night at home. The students have done a pretty good job of logging their minutes. This picture is of our display in the hallway reminding us of how many minutes we have read as a class so far. We are now at 3,500 minutes! Great job, 2nd graders!