Sunday, December 2, 2012

This Week in 2nd Grade

Our Seed Study
 We studied grapefruit, mango, and apple seeds
We recorded our observations in words and in pictures.

We are reading every chance we get and anywhere we can, even if that means in our lockers! 

Sign Language
This month's sign language class focused on words we associate with winter and the holidays. 
We even practiced full sentences!

 Math: Estimation Day
Our math centers this week focused on estimating and rounding.

 After we made our estimations, we counted the exact total. This group organized their unifix cubes into groups of 10 to get a more accurate count.

We practiced our rounding skills by wearing the numbers and determining "who" we would round to.

We worked on persuasive writing this week. The cute little reindeer are holding our reindeer job applications. We tried our best to persuade Santa to hire us!
Here are some of our finished products.

Physical Education
Gym class proved to be a great time again this week

We introduced verbs this week, and I have never seen students so excited to learn about them. 
We even made up a song to help us remember our linking verbs!