Sunday, April 14, 2013

Week of April 15-19, 2013

Language Arts
Reading: main idea and details, inferring, suffixes
Story of the Week: The Signmaker's Assistant by Tedd Arnold
Writing: Humorous Fiction
Conventions: contractions
Phonics: vowel patterns aw, au, au(gh), al
Spelling Words:
talk, because, August, caught, draw, walk, chalk, auto, taught, thaw, fault, launch

-more practice subtracting from numbers with zeros
-understanding whether or not ungrouping is necessary in subtraction
-solve complex story problems containing 3-digit numbers

-how our eyes work
-taking care of our eyes

Social Studies
-taking care of our earth
NOTE: Our class is looking for enough newspaper to make a paper mache project for Earth Day. If you have any extra newspapers or know of someone who might, we would gladly take them off your hands!