Number of the day: 15
On this particular day, we worked on making 15. However, we were asked to make a combination of 10 first and then add 5 more to make 15. Here is an example of the many ways the number 15 can be broken apart!
How many pockets do we have altogether in our class? A few weeks ago we collected our pocket data by giving every student the amount of cubes equal to that of the number of pockets they were wearing. Then, we counted up all of our cubes. This week we collected data in a much different way. We listed everyone's name and number of pockets.
What's the best way to add up 23 numbers?
Find combinations of 10 of course!
Our total this week? 67!
The first week we did the experiment, we had only 33 pockets.
Our conclusion was that cooler weather means more pockets!
G.O. Books
Our G.O. (Getting Organized) books not only serve as ways to keep all of our school "stuff" organized, they also serve as dividers during tests.
Gym Class
2nd graders are working on catching and throwing skills in gym class this week.
This week we worked on brief reports. We researched plants and animals of the desert by reading nonfiction books, researching deserts on the computer, and watching a short video. Our reports turned out great!
Snack and Spelling
Students here are showing their multitasking skills as they eat a snack while studying for their spelling test.
One student shows her pictures and other information she found on the desert. She did all of this extra research at home! It was great to see her share her findings with her friends at school.
Desk Fairy
We had quite a few students who earned a "Desk Fairy" prize for having neatly organized desks!
Hall of Fame
Outside our room we have a Hall of Fame wall showcasing some of our latest writing projects. Here are our realistic fiction stories with the theme of camping.
Henry and Mudge
All of our Henry and Mudge stories are complete!