Saturday, September 7, 2013

Week of Sept 9-13, 2013

Language Arts

Question of the Week:What can we discover by exploring nature?
Phonics: consonant blends
Spelling Words: stop, strap, nest, hand, brave, ask, clip, stream, mask, twin, breeze, state, couldn't, live, build
Conventions: predicate of the sentence
Story of the Week: Henry and Mudge and the Starry Night
Comprehension Skills: plot, setting, and character
Writing: realistic fiction


- combining two quantities up to 45
~compare two amounts to find the difference
~fluency with +1 and +2 addition facts
~coin equivalencies
~finding the missing addend to make 10

-exploring nature

~Picture Day is on Wednesday.
~Please remember to send your conference scheduling notes back to school with your child. Thanks!