Friday, August 10, 2012

Even more finishing touches!

I always leave my room thinking that it is perfect the way I left it. Then I get home, and I am inspired by new ideas I see on pinterest or on other teacher blogs. So, again, here are a few more "finishing touches."

Here is my new home for my desk. It sits up in front. There was a small desk here that held my smartboard computer, and this desk was in the back. I really only need one desk. Moving the small one out of the room and this one up front made for a whole lot more space in the back for our small group table, book nook, and gathering place.

Here is the back of the room. My book nook is in the background, still in its original space. Although, I did add two new bookshelves filled with books after sorting through my own kids' bookshelves at home. The table and crates will be used as a guided reading center/small group gathering place. Each crate will belong to a guided reading group and hold their books for the week.

Gathering place at the back of the room. This picture is taken from the small group table. Thanks Mr. Bill for my new easel!

This is a view from the back of the room. The smartboard sits in the middle of our whiteboard. The daily focus board is on the right and to the left of the board we have our behavior clip chart and objectives.

Students will hand in papers and keep unfinished work organized in these file boxes.

There you have it! My room is ready!........until tomorrow when I decide to change it up again.