Sunday, February 3, 2013

This Week in 2nd Grade

Language Arts
We have been separating words into syllables these last few weeks. To demonstrate our understanding, we made this display showing how many syllables each of these winter words had.

Guided Reading
 We are so appreciative of the extra help in the classroom. Here, guided reading groups work with volunteer leaders. We work on fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension strategies by reading books at our own level.

Water Cycle
Our foster grandma helps with a science experiment that will demonstrate condensation and evaporation. 

The picture below was taken on day one of our experiment.
 After two days, we noticed the uncovered cup's water level began to go down. EVAPORATION!
We are recording our observations in our water cycle journals. We are also making predictions as to when the water will be completely gone and whether or not the water level will change in the covered cup.

Seussical the Musical
On January 30th, all 2nd grade students attended the CHS one-act play, Seussical the Musical!
Here we are waiting so patiently for the musical to begin.

 For some students, this was their very first bus ride!
 We are so excited!

We continue our unit of interpreting and creating bar, picture, and circle graphs. Here are a few that have been found in magazines and newspapers. 

Math games are always available for those students who finish their assignments early.

Go Red for Heart Health
On February 1st, we wore red to help raise awareness for cardiovascular disease.