Sunday, January 27, 2013

This Week in 2nd Grade

 These 2nd graders are gathering data to create circle graphs. 
The topic here was "Favorite Subject"

 Here is one circle graph a 2nd grader created after asking eight of her classmates their favorite subject in school.

These two students demonstrate how information from a picture graph can be displayed vertically or horizontally. 

Each student had the opportunity to share last week's writing project, "I Have a Dream..." 

 Our focus this week was writing friendly letters. After reading a story about an over-sized bullfrog's journey to the Great Lakes, we decided to write him a letter.

Ruby Bridges and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
After reading books about these two American heroes, students worked in small groups to create Venn diagrams that compared and contrasted their lives.

Having recess indoors means free play for our 2nd grade class. 
These girls, however, decided to play . . . . . SCHOOL!